Lifus Interruptus
I’m grateful that I made it 23 days into this 30 day writing adventure before ‘life happened’ in a way that really kept me from putting together a full piece of writing. But, I’m sitting in a church foyer** in Fort Worth, Texas after a three hour drive and getting ready to see a show I had nearly given up on: A Night of Grief & Mystery 2023 World Tour featuring storyteller Stephen Jenkinson and musician Gregory Hoskins… I’ve been watching the website off and on for over a year, hoping for some show dates in Texas… but I guess I took my eye off the ball… because I missed their Austin show last night! Happened to have coffee with a friend this morning who was at the show last night and nearly exploded when I mentioned Stephen Jenkinson by name! So, buy ticket, drive car, write fast pseudo article on my phone while waiting for the doors to open :)
If you haven’t read any of his books, I couldn’t recommend them more strongly… Tonic for what ails us! Until tomorrow friends! Namaste!
Book Links
After Notes:
**The venue for the show was fantastic: Southside Preservation Hall’s Rose Chapel if you need a performance or event venue on the south side of Fort Worth…
If you get interested in Die Wise & live in the Austin area — I’ll be offering a study group for the book through the First UU Church of Austin next year (September 2023 — May 2024). We’ll be meeting the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 7pm to 9pm. Connect to me through social or DM me if you’re interested.